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cervalces scotti造句

  • This species would later become known as the stag-moose, or " Cervalces scotti ".
  • The species arrived in North America at the end of the Pleistocene and coexisted with a late-surviving variety or relative of " Cervalces latifrons ", which Azzaroli classified as a separate species called " Cervalces scotti ", or the American stag-moose.
  • ""'Cervalces " "'is an extinct deer genus that lived during the Pliocene and Pleistocene epochs . " Cervalces gallicus ", the ancestral species, lived in Europe from the Pliocene to the Pleistocene strata . " Cervalces scotti ", the stag-moose, lived in Pleistocene North America . " Cervalces latifrons ", the broad-fronted moose, and " Cervalces carnutorum " were found in Pleistocene Europe and Asia.
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